Monday, November 2, 2015

Evolution of the "Buffet Busters"

Not long ago, the NFL offensive lineman was considered to be an, in-shape killing machine, that fed on the blood, sweat, and tears of the inferior defensive lineman. However, with the evolving speed, strength, and determination of competing athletes, the offensive lineman looked for beneficial shortcuts to create a slight edge of their opponents. The edge these behemoths found was increasing their size, and strength, while maintaing their quickness to establish and sustain dominance. This increase in size and strength was implemented by a radical change in diet and advancement of protein/body building supplements.

Over the years, the diet of the offensive lineman has changed from a diet consisting of a normal 2000 calories, to a diet consisting of over 4000-8000 calories. The evolution of their dietary needs implements a drastic increase in carbohydrates and proteins found primarily in wheat products and lean meats. These diets are created in part due to the increased size of their counterpart, the defensive lineman, however, the pathway their diets are taking them down are one of disease and pre mature death. Nutritionally speaking, how can an athlete remain healthy if all they eat is protein and weight gaining/maintaining products? This is the million dollar question offensive lineman ask themselves when trying to improve their game or to simply remain healthy. Granted, that the answer to this question is not an easy one, the "titans in the trenches" are faced with a nutritional dilemma of maintaining muscle mass and size while remaining healthy. Hence, many programs have created dietary guidelines that aim to keep the athletes nutritionally healthy, while remaining in peak physical condition.

The diets of the "hog mollies" have transitioned to a fatty 8000 calorie diet to a leaner 3000 calorie diet which emphasizes; increasing eating smaller portions throughout the day, increasing vegetable and fruit consumption, eating leaner meats, and controlling carbohydrate intake of healthier grains. This transition of diets not only builds leaner muscle, but also maximizes potential fat loss. Consequently, these athletes struggle less with diabetes, poor blood glucose control, elevated triglycerides, high blood pressure, obesity, etc. Furthermore, increased efforts in the form of waist circumference, skin fold, and blood glucose tests are administered by registered dietitians and nutritionists to guarantee optimal nutritional health among athletes.

Tailoring a diet to a small 330 pound grizzly bear may be difficult and tricky at times, nevertheless, it is mandatory to keep the offensive line in shape to execute their responsibilities. The "buffet busters" boast diets such as; a buffet of pizza, 2 whole chickens, a full potato, and 2 pints of ice cream. Hellooooooo diabetes. Yes, this may help with keeping their size and shape (yes, round is a shape) but it only depletes their speed, flexibility, and not to mention their health. An athlete needs to treat their body as a temple rather than a trashcan. As a result, these monsters among men, need to concentrate more on eating more frequent, smaller, and nutritious meals, accompanied by lean meats to promote optimal muscle growth and a healthy state of being.

1960: average offensive lineman weighed in at 250 pounds.

Today: compared to todays average of 320 pounds


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